In the US Preventive Services Task Force Evidence Review titled “Preexposure Prophylaxis for the Prevention of HIV: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force” published in the August 22, 2023, issue of JAMA, the authors discovered an issue with one of the studies used in the analysis. For the DISCOVER trial, the analysis inconsistently included data from both an interim analysis (for which 100% of patients had completed 48 weeks and 50% had completed 96 weeks) as well as the full 96-week results. The estimates/conclusions are very similar, and both results for HIV infection are within the prespecified noninferiority threshold and both favor TAF-FTC (although the difference is not statistically significant). For harms, the Evidence Review text reported the full 96-week results, but the Tables reported the primary (interim) harms results. As reported in the Supplement, the resistance data also changed slightly—instead of including resistance results for 19 infections, the full 96-week analysis included resistance results for 20 infections. The Evidence Review has been updated to report the full 96-week results in the Abstract, Text, Tables, and Supplement. The updated data do not affect the conclusions of either the Evidence Report or the accompanying Recommendation Statement. This article has been corrected online.
Source: JAMA Online First